AUDIBABY 耳舒潔幼兒耳道清潔液
耳舒潔幼兒耳道清潔液,適用於0-3 幼兒清潔耳朵使用。AUDISPRAY耳舒潔能自然地液化和溶解耳垢,並可以防止耳垢的形成。
10 X 2ml 單次用小塑膠液瓶
0-3 歲幼兒每周使用一次
1. 從排裝上摘下一小塑膠液瓶。
2. 用手緊握小塑膠液瓶一會,使清潔液變得溫暖,更適合幼兒使用。
3. 扭動小塑膠瓶上方,打開瓶蓋。
4. 傾側幼兒頭部,將小塑膠瓶口靠近耳道出口。
5. 輕力擠壓瓶身並:-
- 0-6 月:將3滴清潔液滴進耳道內
- 6個月以上:將6滴或以上清潔液滴進耳道內
6. 為達至最佳效果,請等待10秒,才讓多餘清潔液流出並用紙巾拭乾。
7. 在另一耳朵重復以上程序。
traditional items such as lanolin, red lead powder, bronze fittings and other old craft supplies. On the other hand if you want to buy some echo sonars and other modern navigation devices - feel free to check all that at our store. Of course we have some exclusive products such as astrolabes, sextants that would amaze those who know what all is about.
traditional items such as lanolin, red lead powder, bronze fittings and other old craft supplies. On the other hand if you want to buy some echo sonars and other modern navigation devices - feel free to check all that at our store. Of course we have some exclusive products such as astrolabes, sextants that would amaze those who know what all is about.
traditional items such as lanolin, red lead powder, bronze fittings and other old craft supplies. On the other hand if you want to buy some echo sonars and other modern navigation devices - feel free to check all that at our store. Of course we have some exclusive products such as astrolabes, sextants that would amaze those who know what all is about.
traditional items such as lanolin, red lead powder, bronze fittings and other old craft supplies. On the other hand if you want to buy some echo sonars and other modern navigation devices - feel free to check all that at our store. Of course we have some exclusive products such as astrolabes, sextants that would amaze those who know what all is about.