蘇格蘭 艾雷島 雅柏10年單一麥芽威士忌
香氣 : 飽滿而不衡,全力放送太妃糖、巧克力、肉桂和香料的絕美組合,逐而綻放新鮮柑橘和花卉的花果香氣。甜瓜、洋梨、奶油、燻烤桃木和咖啡的餘韻,伴隨海洋風味在後段層層交疊。
口感 : 細緻的泥煤味、古巴Havana雪茄的香氣、Expresso濃縮咖啡的餘韻,烘托出蜜糖和甘草般的香甜口感。清新溫和,品嚐嘗味後,口中生津,風味飽滿。
餘韻 : 悠長並帶有香甜的乾果氣息,細緻的泥煤味和麥榖般的大地香氣,留在味蕾,久久不散。
Volume : 700ml
Alcohol : 46%
Origin : Islay Island Scotch
Bold menthol and black pepper slice through the sweet smoke followed by tarry ropes and graphite. As you dip your nose in further, savour the aroma of smoked fish and crispy bacon alongside green bell peppers, baked pineapple and pear juice.
Add water and breathe in the vortex of aromas rising from the glass. An oceanic minerality brings a breath of cool, briny seaspray on chalky cliffs. Waxed lemon and lime follows with coal tar soap, beeswax and herby pine woodlands. Toasted vanilla and sizzling cinnamon simmer in the background with warm hazelnut and almond toffee.
Taste :
An explosion of crackling peat sets off millions of flavour explosions on the tongue: peat effervesces with tangy lemon and lime juice, black pepper pops with sizzling cinnamon-spiced toffee. This is followed by a wave of brine infused with smooth buttermilk, ripe bananas and currants. Smoke gradually wells up on the palate bringing a mouthful of warm creamy cappuccino and toasted marshmallows. As the taste lengthens and deepens, dry espresso, licorice root and tarry smoke develop coating the palate with chewy peat oils.
Ardbeg Uigeadail
HKD 988.00
HKD 888.00