蘇格蘭 波摩12年單一麥芽威士忌曾獲得國際葡萄酒暨烈酒競賽-特優;國際烈酒大賽-金奬,色澤呈現琥珀色,嗅覺有著來自Islay淡淡的檸檬、蜂蜜味緊緊環繞在波摩等有的煙燻味中;味覺帶有黑巧克力及泥煤的煙燻口感;後味變化微妙且悠長。跟舊版波摩12年相比,仍保有原波摩特色,但更為滑順極易入口。
知名威士忌評論作家 Michael Jackson : 『值得注目其深長餘味及豐富的口感』。
Volume : 700ml
Alcohol : 40%
Origin : Islay Island
Complex yet perfectly balanced, our 12 Years Old reflects the raw essence of Bowmore - thrashing waves, windswept landscapes and generations of tradition .
Bowmore 12 Years Old has received much critical acclaim ; the late, great whisky writer Michael Jackson proclaimed it 'remarkably long and complex" . We like to think of it as vanilla ice cream at a beach bonfire.
Tasting Note :
On the eye warm amber.
Breathe in subtle lemon and honey, balanced beautifully by Bowmore's trademark peaty smokiness.
Sip sweet and delicious heather honey and gentle peat smoke.
Savour the long, mellow finish.
Bowmore 15yo Single Ma...
HKD 888.00
Bowmore 18yo Single Ma...
HKD 1580.00
HKD 1450.00